The Bombecker Raceway by Dan Chamandy


In The Bombecker Raceway, we are introduced to the quirky Bombecker family and some eccentric live-in characters who are struggling to keep the Raceway alive. The characters are like you and me... with real struggles, very funny situations and extremely interesting resolutions.


The show is about a family's struggle of survival...Not surviving Zombies or future killing robots, but more the struggle of heritage. A home and a business that needs to evolve and change throughout the seasons to survive. Although the business is failing, the family and close circle of workers become stronger.

Story World

The Raceway has seen better days. There is still a racing track, although somewhat overgrown with grass and weeds. The stables are in needs of repair and paint. Around back there is a small vegetable garden as well as beehives. The large house over the stables is degrading on the outside and stands as the family home, also as a makeshift lodging for the workers.

All gather daily in the main kitchen/common room to discuss and interact over the days activities. Money has run out and public interest in horse racing is at an all-time low.

As it is a raceway with horses, we also see the gap between a struggling business, the workers, and above all the patrons, who are wealthy and still expect to be treated with luxury. Their horses are their investments, and they want to see them flourish.